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how we like to work

visualise your dream bathroom

Gather all of your thoughts and ideas of your dream bathroom and tell us what you would like to achieve. The more information you provide, the easier it will become for us to turn your vision into a reality.

we prepare a quotation

We then prepare you with a free quotation on your bathroom renovation and email it to you within 3 business days. Included with the quotation, you will find a shopping list with options on choosing your products.

project management begins

Each project will be assigned a Project Manager, and therefore any questions you have in relation to your renovation can be dealt directly with in a timely manner.

schedule a free consultation

We offer free obligation measure and quote in the privacy of your own home. Once we have viewed and assessed your existing bathroom, we then offer you options and solutions tailored to your needs and budget.

if you choose to accept our quote

Once you’ve accepted the quote for your bathroom renovation, Bathtime Bathrooms will then provide you with a standard terms and conditions agreement which includes our payment structure. Your deposit will initiate the project.

completion and cleanup

After all the hard work has been completed by our tradesmen, we move into the project location and do a final checkup and clean up after ourselves. Then you’re ready to enjoy your new bathroom.

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